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Go on up to 2 or 3 dates per week using nothing more than natural and authentic charm. Increase your options in the dating market and meet the kind of women who are a complement to your life.


Banish the low self-esteem, fear of approaching, not knowing what to say, and the poor-quality flirting skills that are currency crippling your dating life, and enjoy a new realm of abundance with women instead.

Let’s not sugarcoat it, the modern dating scene is tough.

We’ve all been there.

The dating apps seem to be saturated.

You spend hours swiping, and spending money on ‘platinum packages’ and the like, only to end up with very few matches and fewer dates.

You see a beautiful girl when you’re out at the pub with friends, but you can’t think of a single thing to say to her.

You finally do get talking to the woman of your dreams at an upmarket cocktail party, and you exchange numbers with her. But when you send her a message? Crickets . . .

You arrange a date with a girl you met through mutual friends and she seems keen. But then, giving you only thirty minutes’ notice, she cancels on you via WhatsApp.

You meet a woman and date her, things go well and you end up sleeping together, only for her to ghost you afterwards.

And the list goes on . . .

The reality is that modern society has conspired to create this sadly combative and loveless dating world where men and women seem to view one another merely as pawns to be moved around on a chess board rather than real human beings.

And guess what? That leads to a hell of a lot of PAIN:

The PAIN of believing that you will never meet and date the kind of woman you’d like to become intimate with

The JEALOUSY that comes about when all of your friends seem to be in happy relationships while you are floundering in a sea of uninterested girls and broken dates

The FRUSTRATION of watching hours’ worth of YouTube videos and trying this or that ‘guru’s’ techniques, only to find yourself getting nowhere fast

The CONFUSION of not really knowing how to act with women in a world where standards for behavior seem to be changing all the time due to the social and political climate

The FEAR that you will be alone forever, never meeting anyone that really suits you

If any of this is ringing a bell with you then don’t worry - I’ve been there too, as have most of my friends, and pretty much all the clients that I work with as well.

The fact of the matter is that none of us is born a dating expert.

Even so-called naturals - who of course have a great many advantages - STILL need to keep up to date with all the changes that are happening around the world as technology develops and the politics between the sexes changes.

Indeed, we ALL have to go through a process of learning the ropes with this stuff.

The choice you have to make is, do you want to do it the HARD way?

Or would you rather learn from someone who’s walked the walk for eighteen years, made every mistake in the book, and still come out the other side to tell the tale.

Someone like yours truly, that is!

Even more important than that, though: how would you like to benefit from a tried-and-tested method that’s been ready-made for you, and laid out in great detail, with the option to ask ANY QUESTIONS YOU LIKE of me and other experts along the way?

A method that will:

  • EASILY see you going on 2 or 3 dates per week (if dating around is your thing)
  • DESTROY any ‘approach anxiety’ that you might have for good
  • ENSURE you never run out of things to say again
  • STREAMLINE the entire process of dating from the initial meet (the easy part!), through going on the dates themselves to entering into a relationship or more casual friends-with-benefits type situation?
  • Give you the CONFIDENCE you need to walk around with your head held high, safe in the knowledge that now you have ABUNDANCE in your love life, and this EXTREMELY important area figured out.
  • PLUS the support of a dedicated Telegram chat group FILLED with other guys - virtual wingmen - who will be there day and night to offer you advice, encouragement and inspiration!

Sounds great, right?

This Uniquely Simple And Yet Devastatingly Effective Approach To Dating Goes Straight To The Heart Of The Matter - No Jargon, No Waffle, No Eighteen-Hour Livestreams About The Minutiae of InterGender Relations . . .

Unlike the products offered by some other dating experts out there, CHARISMA AND DATING ACADEMY cuts to the chase and gives you exactly what you need, without the fat or any added extras.

Because you see as much as we might like to pretend otherwise, we all know that this most intimate area of our lives is VITALLY IMPORTANT.

At the same time, none of us want to - or should - spend months and years attempting to figure it all out for ourselves.

Or worse, taking nonsensical advice that just sets us back and makes us even more depressed.

CAD ACADEMY is JAW-DROPPINGLY straightforward - a fool could understand and implement the principles it explains (well, I’ve been doing it for years after all!) while at the same time being affordable and FAST.

Trust me, you don’t want to spend a lifetime going round the houses with this stuff. Get your dating life sorted quickly and efficiently so you don’t have to worry about it again and you can move on to other important matters instead.

Dating is meant to be FUN, remember - not a chore, and certainly not something to shed blood, sweat and tears over.

And trust me, my life these days is A LOT of fun.

Yes, I may make downbeat videos on YouTube harping on about the more ‘existential’ sides of love and travel. But you can bet your bottom dollar that for every low day I’ve experienced, I’ve enjoyed many filled with laughter, joy, and the company of some very beautiful and intelligent women . . .

Because yes, as you probably know from my content, in many ways today I’m ‘living the dream’.

I am self-employed and don’t have to answer to a boss. I’m location-independent, and can therefore work from anywhere in the world. Indeed, as a ‘lifestyle blogger’ it’s actually a part of my job to travel.

Plus - and most importantly - I can date who I want when I want, and I no longer have any fear of ‘not being able to meet someone’.

(That seems like a totally bizarre concept to me at this point)

In fact, I have often suffered from the opposite problem of trying to extricate myself from mini-relationships that I no longer want to be in.

These days, the worry is not about meeting ‘anyone’, but about meeting women who I’m compatible with

None of this is because I am an exceptional person in any way (looks, height, build, and so on).

Money? I make enough, but I’m no multi-millionaire.

Social status? I have friends in both high and low status, but I’m no celebrity, or rock or movie star).

And it certainly, things were VERY different for me back in the day .

You see unlike other experts in this area, I was not born a ‘chad’

Far from it!

As a child I was malnourished and skinny due to illness. On top of that I was (and am) a natural introvert, and SHY.

(You see, being an introvert - preferring your own company sometimes - is one thing. But being afraid of others, which is the true definition of shyness, is quite another. I was both.)

I didn’t mix well with the other kids, and didn’t want to either.

I was happy enough in the corner, playing by myself.

We moved around quite a lot back then and so I changed schools several times, which meant I was perpetually the ‘new kid’ with little or no desire to improve my social skills.

And of course, I was hopeless with girls - I couldn't even hold eye contact with a woman until my twenties.

It wasn’t that zero girls were interested in me. It was just that I would become fixated on one particular pretty girl (who inevitably wasn’t into me) at the expense of all others.

(These days we call this ‘oneitis’)

This meant that (a) I didn’t get any dating experience at all, since I ignored the girls who liked me and pined after the ones who didn’t, and (b) I remained incredibly ‘green’ about how dating - and the world in general - worked

In fact, by the time I left home aged 18 to go to university, I was still incredibly naive, and it took me many years to catch up with others around me.

To put it simply, I was absolutely the opposite of a ‘natural’.

And even when my dating life did begin to improve - which happened because I started working in bars where I gained social proof and so attracted some women because of that - I was still clueless about how male-female relations worked, and how to conduct a relationship properly.

The way I pulled myself out of all of this hole?

By learning.

I literally had to read books and blog posts, watch videos, listen to countless podcasts and so on.

I needed to devour theory - while simultaneously practicing socializing in the real world - to equal, and eventually surpass, my peers.

It was a long, hard struggle, I can tell you.

But the benefit to you of my experience is that I am ideally placed to pass on what I learned to YOU.

You see, the problem with hiring someone who was always confident as a coach is that, since everything’s come easy to him, he can’t truly empathize with where you are now.

And worse, he’s going to find it hard to break it all down for you, since for him there’s really nothing to break down - attraction, dating and sex ‘just happens’ to him.

Listen. if you’ve read this far and what I’m saying still resonates with you, be honest with me:

Have you ever really fancied a girl, and, having finally plucked up the courage to ask her out, been coldly rejected and gone home feeling shame, embarrassment and sadness?

Worse, have you frequently been out and seen women you liked, and, not having the courage or know-how to do anything about it, gone home again, alone and miserable?

Have you dated a woman only for her to ghost you, leaving you to go through a ‘dry spell’ of many weeks, months or even years before meeting someone new?

Have you found yourself in the neverending purgatory of ‘the friendzone’ with some woman, painfully convincing yourself that ‘any moment now’ she will appreciate you for who you are, and fall into your arms, only for that never to happen?

Or maybe you’ve taken a woman out for an expensive dinner and drinks, only for her to say ‘thanks very much’ as you’re settling up the bill, and for her to walk out of the restaurant - and your life - for good?

If so then don’t worry - I feel your pain, for I have been there before you!

And to be completely transparent, I’m still there now, sometimes (except the buying dinner and friendzone bits, lol).

Because you see, no matter how much time you spend studying intergender dynamics (and believe me, I’ve spent a LOT of time doing so), it doesn’t mean that every woman out there is going to like you.

There’s no silver bullet.

No ‘just say these six lines and she’ll fall madly in love with you’

All of that stuff is for charlatans and crooks.

Just being honest.

HOWEVER, what there IS - and what I offer in CAD ACADEMY - is a set of timeless principles that are tried and tested and which, when you incorporate them into your life on a consistent basis, will bear fruit.

Take my friend Phil, for example. He was absolutely besotted with this Swedish girl, but had no idea how to go about dating her.

He came to me for advice and it seemed to me he was making some big fundamental errors off the bat.

So I sat down with him and told him precisely what to do, step-by-step, no B.S.

And to cut a long story short, he did end up taking that girl out, and experiencing an optimal outcome to boot!

Or a client of mine, Stevo. Stevo was / is a well put-together man who’s successful in his business and who has an interesting life (in common with most of my clients).

But he had a major sticking point - dating, and his ability to turn on the charm with women when it really counted.

After we’d worked together, and with a few very simple tweaks, he reported a vastly improved dating life shortly afterwards.

Or Nick. Now Nick had been watching my videos and reading my work for quite some time before he reached out to me for training.

Nick’s overarching issue - in common with most of us, to be honest - was that he was simply too nice.

And while ‘niceness’ is great for your friends and when you’re helping old ladies across the street, it spells trouble in the modern dating marketplace.

I gave Nick some advice and he went on to enjoy many fun nights out with attractive women. In fact, he recently messaged me to tell me how my training had marked a real turning point in his romantic life.

What Happens If I DON’T Take This Opportunity To Get To Grips With My Dating Challenges?

So you don’t sign up for my class . . . then what happens?

Being perfectly honest - nothing.

The sky’s not going to fall in or anything.

You’ll just keep bumbling along the same way you always have.

Maybe getting the occasional dating crumb tossed at you from the table now and again, but pretty much just standing on the sidelines watching other guys have all the fun with the kinds of women you’d really love to get to know.

And therein lies the problem.

Perhaps you’ve heard the old saying ‘nothing changes if nothing changes’?

Well, it applies here.

You see, until you take firm, decisive action to shake things up and - most importantly - do things differently - then you’re never going to get out of the rut you’re in.

It’s a simple fact of life - if you want something you’re not getting then you have to change up your approach.


As Albert Einstein (supposedly) said: ‘doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is the definition of insanity’.

Now, the reality is that most people don’t change until they’ve reached some kind of rock bottom in their lives.

Maybe you’re there now.

Or maybe you’re not, quite yet.

Perhaps things are still bearable, and you’re just here out of casual interest.

But my educated guess is that if you’ve read this far then you are not happy with your dating life.

And my message to you is very simple - you need some input from a mentor.

You need to learn the optimal way of doing things from someone who’s been exactly where you are now, has made every mistake in the book, and has come out the other side smiling.

Please, for god’ sake don’t let another summer drift by watching others have all the fun while you fail to live up to the true potential you just know is inside you.

Let me ask you something else:

Are you ready to:

  • REDEFINE how you think and feel about yourself as a person?
  • UNDERSTAND the modern dating process through an entirely new lens?
  • BECOME the ‘new you’ who is suave and confident with women . . . but who is, in reality, the ‘real you’ who’s simply been suppressed by fear and low self-esteem for far too long?If the answer to any of these points is ‘no’ then I’ll be blunt with you:

Charisma & Dating Academy is not for you.

Because while the principles I teach are powerful, they require the full buy-in of the person they're being taught to.

And that person must be hungry to change, and for success, and to live life as they were always meant to.

But if you’re ready to make that leap, and you want to be able to look back on 2022 and say ‘thank god I made the decision to change my life that year’ then I want you to take a look at what is without a doubt the most important programme I’ve ever put out.

Introducing . . .

Charisma & Dating Academy

CAD ACADEMY is the ONLY way for you to learn my entire dating strategy from beginning to end.

The strategy I have used for many years, and continue to use to this day.

The strategy that means that as a man in his forties who is not famous or particularly remarkable in any way, I still continue to enjoy a successful and varied dating life while traveling all the world

This course teaches you natural and authentic social skills and dating in a simple and relatable style.

It encompasses ALL the key elements of the dating process from destroying your approach anxiety, to knowing what to say to women, to fashion and style, to getting into the right psychological frame of mind for romance, to what to do on a date itself, to how to transition to a successful relationship, either long-term or casual (whatever you want at this point in your life).

Here’s what you’ll learn in Charisma and Dating Academy:

The 5 principles of ‘SECRET SOCIETY’ social skills that most ‘regular’ guys are simply unaware of, which unlock SO MANY doors in the dating world.

The PRECISE, TRIED-AND-TESTED blueprint that I have used for many years in my own dating life, which, if implemented correctly and consistently, can easily see you going on 2 or 3 dates per week minimum.

How to clear away all the MENTAL BS that is holding you back quickly and easily - wave goodbye to approach anxiety, shyness, low self-esteem and other nonsense

The fundamental tenets of THE DATING VALUE EXCHANGE and how to present yourself in the best light when you first meet someone

  • The MIND-BLOWINGLY SIMPLE but DEVASTATINGLY EFFECTIVE tweaks you need to make to your FASHION & GROOMING if you want to make the right impression on the right women
  • The little-known nuances of playfulness - how ‘natuals’ make talking to women seem so easy when you find yourself nervous, anxious and tongue-tied
  • The key triggers for flirtation - the exact words and phrases you need to be using to inject sexual tension into your interactions
  • The BEST places to take her on a date - and the absolute worst (don’t make these mistakes).
  • How to organize your date so you both feel comfortable, have a great time, avoid awkwardness and - most importantly - make it sexy.
  • The secret methods most effective in transitioning a casual affair into a long-term relationship, plus what to do if you want a friends-with-benefits set up, or a ‘situationship’.
  • And much, much more . . .

Here’s how the course will work.

Basically, it’s split out into three key elements.

Section 1: Charisma & Dating Online Course

If you’ve ever bought one of my products before - or indeed, watched my videos or read my books - you will know how detailed and insightful my content is.

The modules in CAD ACADEMY are no different. Plus, these lessons are designed to be watched / listened to anywhere - at home, on the go, even in the office!

All you do is log into your dedicated account, look up whatever area of knowledge you need to upskill in right now, press play and take in the information you need.

Section 2: The Charisma & Dating Live Webinars

While the online course is really a standalone product, and you will learn a hell of a lot from it, the ten live webinars I will be leading between 2nd - 8th June 2002 are where your life could well be changed for good.

In fact, even attending a single webinar might make all the difference to your love life this summer and forever after.

Each webinar is a no-holds barred deep dive into whatever subject we are talking about on that day - flirtation, fashion, being ‘the cool guy’, exuding sexual energy and so on. And of course, in this group setting you can ask me any question you want, and (within reason) as many questions as you want. This is where we really get everything out on the table, so if you have personal sticking points then bring them along to class and share them.

Because you see, whatever challenges you’re facing, you can bet others in the class will experience them too. So you’ll be helping others in the group.

Plus bear in mind that Zoom is a private space, and so we can discuss anything - even things that might be a little hot for YouTube

Section 3: Access to the CAD ACADEMY Telegram Group for the rest of 2022 (PLUS Troy Francis Telegram Chat)

As if all that wasn’t enough, how about the chance to join a group of likeminded men all leveling up in their dating lives too?

It’s like having a set of wingmen in your pocket - on your phone - who you can call on for advice and inspiration at any time of day. PLUS, I’ll be there too, dropping in advice, encouragement and motivational gems too.

At this point you’re probably wondering how much all of this is going to cost . . .

The fact of the matter is that as my YouTube channel grows and I get more views, I receive more inquiries for coaching and other opportunities that take up my time.

And that means my time has become increasingly rare - and correspondingly more expensive.

These days, if you want to meet me in person for coaching, you won’t get much change out of $1000

And that’s not me being greedy or mean, it’s simply the reality of demand and supply economics.

And really, since in this course I’m basically giving away the farm - my entire dating and relationship strategy laid out for you simply and accessibly in a single product - and given how much work I will be putting in coaching every student with their issues, monitoring the chats and so on, I could be charging a lot of money for this.

$10,000 easily.

Because when you think about it, how much do you really want to get your romantic life sorted?

It’s the single most important aspect of your existence on this planet for god’s sake!

There are high-value clients out there who would (and do) drop $10k in a heartbeat - without even thinking about it - for the kind of knowledge I’m going to be sharing in the course.

Remember, time is your most important asset - and you don’t want to waste years trying to figure this stuff out (and getting older while you do so) when the answer is sitting here, neatly packaged, right in front of you.

You can see, therefore, how I could be charging the big bucks for this course.

But you won’t pay $10,0000

Or even $7000

Or even $3000


You can get access to everything - the online course, the webinars and the Telegram chats for a far smaller amount.


That’s right - you’ll get the whole caboodle for just $297 (plus tax)

Which, quite frankly, is absolutely insane on my part, but there you go - take advantage of an old man’s foolishness while you can!

All Sales Are Final - Here’s Why

As I hope you can tell by now, I’ve put blood, sweat and tears into creating this programme to help guys out there like you.

This programme is quite simply the summation of everything I’ve experienced - painful and joyful - over the past TWO DECADES.

I’m literally showing you the exact methods that I use in my own life - methods that have been honed over many years, through good times and bad.

This is not information that you get every day. And it’s not material that I hand over lightly - you see, I want to help the right people - those men who are 100% committed to the process.

After all, I’m really exposing myself in this product.

So I want the same mindset from you, rather than an ‘oh, I’ll just have a quick look and then never show my face again’ sort of attitude.

I’m going to turn over every stone I can to help you achieve your goals. And so in return I want the same level of commitment from you.


  • SURPRISE FLASH WEBINARS: After the ten webinars are finished in June, I’ll occasionally surprise you with a special bonus webinar. This might be in response to a specific event or holiday coming up, i.e. Labor Day, Halloween, Christmas etc. Or it might be because I have a new insight or piece of knowledge to share with you.
  • ACCESS TO RENEGADE DATING BLUEPRINT: Everyone joining the course will get my entire collection of 11 books about dating, sex and relationships, RENEGADE DATING BLUEPRINT, absolutely free (value $250)
  • ACCESS TO ALL PREVIOUS CAD ACADEMY CONTENT: CAD ACADEMY has been entirely redesigned in 2022. However, when you join the course you will get access to ALL the previous content including ALL the previous online course modules PLUS recordings of previous webinars.

You SHOULD NOT Join Charisma & Dating Academy if:

You are closed-minded about self-improvement and you’re not willing to work on yourself

You are not ready to take on new ideas and go to any lengths necessary to change your situation

You are misogynistic / racist / whatever and blame women or some other group of people for your current challenges

If this applies then don’t join CAD ACADEMY.

Instead, leave this page now!

You SHOULD Join Charisma & Dating Academy if:

You want to enjoy a dating life where you have more options and autonomy, whether that means traveling and living the ‘international bachelor’ lifestyle, or meeting the girl of your dreams

You’ve realized that conventional ‘mainstream’ dating advice is not fit for purpose in the modern world

You like my content and you resonate with my approach to this stuff

You recognise that you have challenges in the area of dating and relationships and you’ve resolved that all of that will change FROM TODAY.

You are open-minded and hungry for success

You are fine with receiving constructive advice and criticism

You really want to untangle old and ineffective ways of thinking and see dating through a new lens

You want more choice and freedom in dating

You are prepared to be realistic about where you are now and the work that you need to put in, and you recognise that there are no silver bullets and that dating, like everything, requires you to put in work and effort to get where you want to be

Listen; whatever your personal reasons for joining the course I want you to know that I’m in your corner and I’ve got your back, and that I will do whatever it takes in the webinars to help you overcome your challenges and get what you want in your life.

Why You Need To Act Now:

Let me make a couple of things clear: I only open Charisma & Dating Academy a few times a year, and I don’t currently have another date planned in 2022.

Now, I’m not going to gaslight you and say that this is your ‘last chance’, because of course I will continue to help guys for as long as I can, but what I am saying is that if you’re keen then you should definitely jump at this opportunity because you may have a long wait ahead otherwise.

And I don’t want you to go through the whole summer season wishing you’d only taken action when you had the chance . . .

Still Here?

Still reading? That tells me a couple of things about you.

One, that for whatever reason you’re simply not happy with your current dating life.

There’s something about your relationships with women that needs fixing.

And two, you are a proactive person who’s willing to search for answers

And that is a GOOD thing. That tells me that you are exactly the kind of guy who will benefit from Charisma & Dating Academy.

Because most guys are not proactive.

Instead, they sit around blaming the world and taking no action.

But you’re different.

And that bodes very well for your future success, both with women and with life in general.

You might ask yourself why I’m so passionate about helping men in this particular area.

Well, it’s because I’ve been in the depths myself. Then I pulled myself out.

So I KNOW it’s possible - because I did it.

And I’ve helped hundreds of other men do the same.

The bottom line: My stuff WORKS.

My insights are deep and penetrating.

My advice is simple and actionable.

And my ability to assess your situation and diagnose the solution is second-to-none in the industry.

And so for those reasons, consider joining Charisma & dating Academy.

Now is the time to take action.

Don’t wait until it’s too late and live with regret.

I look forward to meeting you inside the course and helping you to become the best version of yourself in the dating market.

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CHARISMA AND DATING ACADEMY is for you if you want to go on 2-3 date per week with attractive women this summer and beyond. Authentic, natural dating at its best.

Value £1000
Value £5000
TELEGRAM GROUP (to end 2020)
Value £7500
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